Children as Victims of Sexual Violence Committed by Parents: A Criminological Perspective

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Joko Susanto
Indah Sri Utari


As the technology progress and human civilization, crime which is happened not only involve a crime towards life and property, but also a crime towards morality that is increasing. As a social problem criminal act of sexual violence in nowadays has been done by adult or elderly, even from a father to his children, and most of the victim are women and children. Sexual violence is a violence which is happened because of sexuality issues. The subject of this journal is to know how the protection law for the young victim of sexual violence which is done by their parents. Discussion method which is used is Act Approach (The Statute Approach). Sexual violence usually is done toward their partner. This violence includes all of sexual violence types which are done by anyone to his sexual partner. Including sexual violence which is done by a husband to his wife, just because he wants to satisfy his biological lust. Criminal act of rape is worried, moreover when  the victim are children which are still underage, because it will affect the developing of children’s  psychology, inflict lifelong trauma, and the more pitiful is the children of sexual violence victim can be a prostitution worker. So that it ruins their future.

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How to Cite
Susanto, J., & Utari, I. S. (2020). Children as Victims of Sexual Violence Committed by Parents: A Criminological Perspective. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 1(2), 353-363.
Review Article


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Draft Bill of Abolition of Sexual Violence

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