Dynasty Politics in Indonesia: Tradition or Democracy?

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Hagi Hutomo Mukti
Rodiyah Rodiyah


The presence of political dynasties that encompassed power struggles at regional to national levels resulted in the substance of democracy itself being difficult to realize. The flourishing of political dynasties - especially in the regions - is inseparable from the role of political parties and regulations on the elections. Oligarchy in the body of political parties causes the mechanism of candidacy and nomination to not run as it should. During this time, there is a tendency for candidates to be nominated by political parties based on the wishes of the party elite - not through democratic mechanisms that take into account the subjective abilities and integrity of candidates. In addition, at the same time, political dynasties continue to build a strong network of power so that they can maintain their power within the party body both at the regional and central levels so that political dynasties are able to dominate and kill democracy in political parties.


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How to Cite
Mukti, H. H., & Rodiyah, R. (2020). Dynasty Politics in Indonesia: Tradition or Democracy?. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 1(3), 531-538. https://doi.org/10.15294/jllr.v1i3.38090
Review Article


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