Indonesian Penal Reform: Concept and Direction of Thought

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Gita Nuzula Allamah
Ali Masyhar


Criminal law reform is essentially an effort to review and reform (reorientation and reform) criminal law in accordance with the development of the socio-political and socio-cultural values of Indonesian society that underlie social policies, criminal policies and law enforcement policies in Indonesia. Criminal law reforms in the context of improving the penal system are still being carried out. The reform of Indonesian law is currently directed at efforts to reorient the substance of criminal law rules which are considered no longer relevant to the life of the Indonesian people because many evil acts in the optics of society are not considered evil and are prohibited in the optics of positive law. All happened because Indonesian criminal law in general is a legacy from the Dutch, which is culturally different from the culture of Indonesian society which is Eastern-style. If you place the law as a reflection of society, then the current Indonesian criminal law does not reflect this, then the reform of Indonesian criminal law currently leads to a reorientation of the substance of Indonesian criminal law according to the will of the community.


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How to Cite
Allamah, G. N., & Masyhar, A. (2021). Indonesian Penal Reform: Concept and Direction of Thought. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 2(2), 295-310.
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