Tujuan penelitian ini adalah, untuk mengetahui sumbangan kekuatan genggaman dengan hasil groundstroke forehand drive, untuk mengetahui sumbangan kekuatan lengan dengan hasil groundstroke forehand drive, untuk mengetahui sumbangan kekuatan genggaman dan kekuatan lengan terhadap hasil groundstroke forehand drive Tenis Lapangan Pada Mahasiswa Putra Semester III IKOR FIK Tahun 2011. Metode penelitian survei dengan teknik tes. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan korelasi ganda dengan dua variabel independen. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 33 orang. Sampel penelitian jumlah 33 orang dengan teknik total sampling. Variabel penelitian meliputi variabel bebas yaitu kekuatan genggaman, kekuatan lengan dan variabel terikat (kriterium) yaitu hasil groundstroke forehand drive. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan genggaman memberikan sumbangan sebesar 41,60% terhadap kemampuan groundstroke forehand drive, , kekuatan lengan memberikan sumbangan dengan aspek pull and push sebesar 33,67% dan 23,76% terhadap kemampuan groundstroke forehand drive, dan kekuatan genggaman dan kekuatan lengan memberikan sumbangan sebesar10,08% terhadap kemampuan groundstroke forehand drive. Kesimpulannya dari penelitian ini adalah secara parsial kekuatan genggaman memberikan sumbangan terhadap kemampuan groundstroke forehand drive tenis lapangan. Secara simultan kekuatan genggaman dan kekuatan lengan memberikan sumbangan terhadap kemampuan groundstroke forehand drive tenis lapangan.
The purpose of this study is to determine the contribution of the power grip forehand groundstrokes with the drive, to determine the contribution of arm strength to drive the forehand groundstrokes, to determine the contribution of grip strength and arm strength to drive the forehand groundstrokes at tennis court of male students of 3nd semester FIK Year of 2011. Survey research methods to test the technique. The study design uses multiple correlation with two independent variables. The study population of 33 people. The study sample of 33 people with a total sampling technique. Research variables include the independent variables, namely grip strength, arm strength and the dependent variable (criterion) is the result of forehand groundstrokes drive. The results showed that the strength of the grip to give a contribution of 41.60% of the ability of forehand groundstrokes drive, arm strength to contribute to aspects of the pull and push of 33.67% and 23.76% of the ability to drive a forehand groundstrokes, and grip strength and arm power arm contributed 10.08% of the ability of forehand groundstrokes drive. The conclusion of this study was partially contribute to the strength of the grip forehand drive capability tennis groundstrokes. Simultaneously grip strength and arm strength to contribute to the ability to drive tennis forehand groundstrokes.
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