Olahraga daya tahan kemampuan jantung dan paru sangat vital, dan tidak kalah lagi adalah kadar HB sebaga pengikat oksigen untuk proses oksidasi aerobik selama perlombaan. Memiliki VO2max dan Kadar Hb yang tinggi merupakan kunci utama dalam pemilihan atlet yang dapat diasumsikan dapat memperoleh prestasi yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan VO2max dan kadar HB dalam darah atlet Seleksi Pra PON 2021 Kalimantan Barat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey. Populasi adalah Atlet balap sepeda di Pontianak yang mengikuti seleksi untuk PON Papua 2021. Seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel dalam penelitian ini dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 18 atlet 4 putri dan 14 putra. Pengukuran VO2max dilakukan dengan bleep test dan tes HB dengan easy one touch. Data dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif dan uji korelasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh hasil bahwa rerata kadar HB sebesar 14.5 dan Kemampuan VO2max sebesar 43,15. Hasil Korelasi antara VO2max dan Hb ini dikorelasikan ternyata berkorelasi rendah yaitu 0.235. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini ternyata kondisi VO2max atlet balap sepeda 44,44% masuk dalam kategori baik dan kadar HB masuk dalam kategori normal.
Cycling is a type of endurance sport. Endurance exercise, the ability of the heart and lungs is very vital, and no less is the level of HB as an oxygen binder for the aerobic oxidation process during the race. Having high VO2max and Hb levels is the main key in selecting athletes who can be assumed to get good performance. This study aims to determine the ability of VO2max and HB levels in the blood of athletes in the 2021 Pre-PON Selection in West Kalimantan. This research is a survey research. The population is cycling athletes in Pontianak who are participating in the selection for PON Papua 2021. The entire population is sampled in this study with a total sample of 18 athletes, 4 female and 14 male athletes. V02max measurement is done by bleep test and HB test with easy one touch. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlation test. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that the average HB level was 14.5 and the VO2max ability was 43.15. The result of the correlation between VO2max and Hb is that the correlation turns out to be low at 0.235. Based on the results of this study, it turns out that the VO2max condition of cycling athletes is 44.44% in the good category and HB levels are in the normal category.
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