Tujuan: 1) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan knee tuck jump terhadap hasil lemparan tolak peluru siswa SMP N 1 Poncowarno, 2) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan depth jump terhadap hasil lemparan tolak peluru siswa SMP N 1 Poncowarno, 3) Mengetahui latihan manakah yang lebih baik antara latihan knee tuck jump dan depth jump terhadap hasil lemparan tolak peluru siswa SMP N 1 Poncowarno. Metode: Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa putra kelas VII SMP N1 Poncowarno. Sampel dalam penelitian berjumlah 28 siswa. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purporsive sampling. Penelitian ini ada dua variabel yaitu latihan dengan knee tuck jump, latihan dengan depth jump sebagai variabel bebas serta hasil lemparan tolak peluru sebagai variabel terikat. Metode penelitian menggunakan eksperimen. Metode analisis data penelitian menggunakan analisis data statistik t-test. Hasil: Latihan knee tuck jump dan latihan depth jump memberikan pengaruh yang sama baik terhadap hasil lemparan tolak peluru siswa SMP N 1 Poncowarno. Hasil perhitungan statistik menunjukan bahwa, thitung post test kelompok eksperimen knee tuck jump dan depth jump sebesar -0.11. thitung lebih kecil dari ttabel (-0.11< 2.06). Simpulan: latihan knee tuck jump dan latihan depth jump memberikan pengaruh yang sama terhadap peningkatan lemparan tolak peluru siswa SMP N 1 Poncowarno. Latihan dengan knee tuck jump dan depth jump sama baik dalam meningkatkan hasil lemparan tolak peluru siswa SMP N 1 Poncowarno.
Purpose: 1) To know the effect of knee tuck jump exercise toward bullet refusal throwing result by Poncowarno State Junior High School student, 2) To know the effect of depth jump exercise toward bullet refusal throwing result by Poncowarno State Junior High School student, 3) Knowing which one exercise is better both of depth jump and knee tuck jump exercise toward refusal bullet throwing result of Poncowarno State Junior High School student. Methods: Population of this research is male children of Poncowarno State Junior High School seventh class. This research use 28 students as sample. Sample taking use pruporsive sampling pattern. This research have two variable there are knee tuck jump, depth jump exercise as a independent variable and bullet refusal throwing result as a dependent variable. This research use experiment method. Data analysis method of this research is t-test statistic. Results: Knee tuck jump exercise and depth jump exercise give the same effect toward bullet refusal throwing result of Poncowarno State Junior High School student. Statistic calculation result show that, post test tcomputation of experiment group knee tuck jump and depth jump equal 0,11, tcomputation is less than ttable (-0,11<2,06). Conclusion: Knee tuck jump exercise and depth jump exercise give the same effect toward the increasing of bullet refusal throwing of Poncowarno Junior High School student. Exercise by knee tuck jump and depth jump are the same in increasing the bullet refusal throwing result of Poncowarno Junior High School student.
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