
The Implementation of Guidance and Counseling Services at Islamic Senior High School

A Taufiq Hidayat, Edy Purwanto, Awalya Awalya

140-146 |

The Effect of Self-Control on Academic Procrastination

Imron Parsaoran, Sugiyo Sugiyo, Heru Mugiarso

153-159 |

The Effectiveness of Group Guidance with A Symbolic Modeling Technique to Improve Students’ Career Maturity

Mohammad Chandra Wahyudi, Mungin Eddy Wibowo, Sinta Saraswati

160-166 |

The Effects of Supervision, Professional Attitude, and Digital Literacy on Counselor Performance

Muhtar Hadi, Sugiyo Sugiyo, Muhammad Japar

174-179 |

The Relationship between Self-efficacy and Students Interpersonal Abilities

Randi Saban Dawir, DYP. Sugiharto, Awalya Awalya

180-183 |

The Effectiveness of The Simakan Application Model (Android-Based Counselor Management System) In Improving Guidance and Counseling Management Planning in Mgbk Vocational Schools in The City of Semarang

Awalya Awalya, Ujang Khiyarusholeh, Muslikah Muslikah, Nailu Rokhmatika, Muhammad Adytia Oktava, Azmia Khafidhotul Labibah, Dian Safitri Indah Fajrianti

189-193 |

The Effect of Self-Compassion and Gratitude on University Students Life Satisfaction: Social Support as the Mediator

Vradita Cita Aruni, Heru Mugiarso, Sugiyo Sugiyo

201-209 |

The Effectiveness of the Android-Assisted Information Service Model to Enhance Students' Understanding of Academic Resilience

Fikri Arif Gumelar, Mungin Eddy Wibowo, Awalya Awalya

210-217 |