
The Diamond Fraud Theory for Property and Real Estate to Detect Financial Report Fraud

Erisa Aprilia Wicaksari, Syam Widia, Vini Wiratno Putri

144-156 |

Analysis of the Effect of the Application of Total Quality Management (TQM) on Performance Improvement through Leadership

Dewi Kholifatul Ummah, Saiful Bukhori, Dewi Rokhmah

168-174 |

The Effect of Board Size, Capital Structure, Political Connection and Firm Size on Firm Performance

Galuh Pratiwi Bahar, Yudhi Herliansyah

175-186 |

The Effect of Work Environment and Motivation on Employee Performance

Windy Wulandany, Rifaldi Ikhsan Ghiffari, Rima Rahmayanti

187-191 |

Business Strategy: Determinants and their Effect on Financial Performance of Life Insurance Companies in Indonesian

Yanes Yaneman Matulatuwa, E. Susy Suhendra, Toto Sugiharto

192-206 |

The Role of Public Relation at Universitas Negeri Semarang for Implementation of Public Information Disclosure Policy

Ledi Diyanasari, Intan Permata Hapsari, Darmoyo Darmoyo, Imam Adi Nugroho

207-217 |

Does Social Responsibility Affect Performance of Islamic Bank in Indonesia? The Role of Board Diversity

Maulida Nurul Innayah, Rifka Utami Arofah, Bima Cinintya Pratama

232-241 |

The Mediation Role of Job Satisfaction in Improving Nurse Performance of General Hospital’s Type A at Central Java

Desti Ranihusna, Suharnomo Suharnomo, Fadila Arifinandini

248-253 |

Building Trust in The Digital Age: How HRM and Cybersecurity Collaborate for Effective Stakeholder Relations

Gagas Gayuh Aji, Suko Widodo, Ganjar Ndaru Aji, Gilang Gusti Aji, Dian Prawitasari

254-260 |