Political Education for the Young Generation: Problems and Challenges in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the United States

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Nora Amalia
Nabilia Putri Anjani
Mohammed el Rahman
Morphin Ray
Bambang Pamungkas
Mandala Putra Rama Sanjaya
Ibnu Tidar Al Hakim


This paper aims to determine the effect of political education on the voices of the younger generation in general elections which in its implementation are based on the values ​​of national ideology in three countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, and the United States). In Indonesia, the application of Pancasila values ​​in everyday life is an obligation for every Indonesian citizen because Pancasila is the basis of the Indonesian state which is the guideline for the nation's life. The data contained in this paper is obtained from many sources from books, journals, theses, and related articles. Young people have a responsibility to become the next generation who are critical, creative and innovative reformers who will become the strength of the younger generation as the nation's successors. Young people who participate in the implementation of political education will be able to play a political role and not be indifferent to the future of the nation's life, especially those that affect the lives of all elements of society. Political education is one of the most important components to realize a social life that is in harmony with the ideals of the nation. Political education is needed as a means of political socialization, especially in terms of voting in general elections. With the holding of the general election, it will invite the participation of the Indonesian people, especially young people, in choosing their representatives which are unconsciously an important aspect of a country's democracy.

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How to Cite
Amalia, Nora, Nabilia Putri Anjani, Mohammed el Rahman, Morphin Ray, Bambang Pamungkas, Mandala Putra Rama Sanjaya, and Ibnu Tidar Al Hakim. 2023. “Political Education for the Young Generation: Problems and Challenges in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the United States”. Jurnal Panjar: Pengabdian Bidang Pembelajaran 5 (1). https://doi.org/10.15294/panjar.v5i1.55051.


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