Community Learning Through Participatory Rural Appraisal Method in Preventing Trademark Infringement
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This research aims to optimize the role of the community in Kenteng Village, Bandungan Sub-district, Semarang District, in the prevention of trademark infringement crimes through the application of the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) method. Trademark infringement crimes can harm brand owners, disrupt the market, and have a negative impact on the local economy. Therefore, the role of the community is crucial in supporting trademark infringement prevention efforts. This study was conducted through a series of steps, including stakeholder identification, training and awareness-raising about trademark rights, an analysis of trademark infringement issues in Kenteng Village, and the formulation of collective solutions through active community participation. The research results indicate that through the PRA method, the Kenteng community can better understand the impact of trademark infringement and contribute to prevention efforts through initiatives such as awareness campaigns, reporting infringements, and the establishment of trademark monitoring committees. In this context, the optimization of the community's role not only enhances trademark protection at the local level but also strengthens the relationships between brand owners, local government, and rural communities. This research provides valuable insights into how trademark infringement prevention can be an integral part of sustainable rural development by actively involving community participation.
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