Online Buying and Selling Fraud in Indonesia and Its Criminal Law Enforcement

Main Article Content

Asif Lutfiyana


The development of technology and information is quite fast, especially on the internet. Through the internet, everyone can access and find all information around the world quickly and easily. The internet spurs the emergence of creativity in all fields, especially in business. So that there emerged online businesses that provided various kinds of human needs, ranging from food, clothing, property, and other needs. Online business is very useful to reduce costs and time during the buying and selling process. In contrast to conventional business, which requires producers and consumers to meet in person, so it requires a lot of money and time. This research aims to analyze and examine the fraud case of online transactions in Indonesia and its law enforcement. The research emphasized and found that in every facility that is offered by an online business, there is always an opening for crime to emerge. Therefore, the government established a regulation, namely Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions as the legal umbrella for cybercrime. However, this regulation still needs to be reviewed, because it still has weaknesses in ensnaring cybercrime. Where the development of technology and information is increasingly complex. So it requires flexible regulations on technological developments.

Article Details

How to Cite
Lutfiyana, A. (2021). Online Buying and Selling Fraud in Indonesia and Its Criminal Law Enforcement. Law Research Review Quarterly, 7(1), 53-68.
Author Biography

Asif Lutfiyana, Data Privacy Research Center

Asif Lutfiyana SH is an independent researcher at Data Privacy Research Center, Semarang Indonesia. She obtained a Bachelor of Law degree from Universitas Negeri Semarang. Since a student, she has been active in various student activities, one of which is in the student journalism unit (LEGIST Student Press Institute).


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