Prostitution and the Victims Protection: The Discourse of Law Enforcement and Legal Protection (Case of Cianjur, Indonesia)
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This study aims to analyze how the law is enforced for victims of trafficking in persons used as perpetrators of prostitution in the Cianjur Regency. The method used in this research is using a qualitative method with a descriptive-analytic approach. The source of data in this study is using the interview instrument. The research object is focused on Cianjur Regency, which is divided into Sukanagara District, Cianjur District, Cipanas District, and several commercial places such as tourist attractions, entertainment venues, universities, and high schools in the Cianjur Regency area. This article concludes that various reasons and social conditions encourage the increasing number of prostitution in the Cianjur Regency area. Different unique findings were found in the research process. First, a high-paying job offer mode is quite successful in attracting certain regions. Second, sexual harassment issues made some teenagers decide to go deeper into the prostitution circle. Third, the number of foreign tourists from certain countries is the main attraction in the increasing cases of prostitution in one of the research object areas. The increase in cases of prostitution that continues to grow requires special attention from various parties, especially in the eyes of the law for the perpetrators. As time goes by, prostitution cases that continue to be left unchecked will become a significant factor in the deteriorating morals and social values that exist in society. The absence of a clear legal status for prostitution will increasingly make the perpetrators freely carry out their crimes
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