The Legal Protection for Child Perpetrators and Victims of Revenge Porn in Indonesia

Main Article Content

Graceyana Jennifer
Jenaya Adra Rumondor
Pande Ketut Natalia Desintha


The development of the digital world brings so many benefits to human life, which includes all levels of people, from children to adults. For children, the digital world and social media will certainly support a more advanced and developing life. However, this progress also presents various potentials and challenges that are not in line with the fulfillment of children's growth and development rights. This is related to the threat of children's rights in criminal acts based on social media, both as perpetrators and as victims of the crime itself. One of these crimes is online gender-based violence that is rife in the form of cyberporn with revenge porn modus operandi, which is a crime by spreading vulgar content without the consent of the person in the content to take revenge. The research method used is a descriptive-analytical research method with a normative legal approach, where the author uses secondary data and a statutory approach to draw deductive conclusions. Therefore, the government needs to actively implement legal protection to protect the rights of children as victims and perpetrators. Such legal protection should be carried out in a preventative manner with the Virtual Police mechanism and the role of the Stakeholders, and repressively by carrying out the judiciary, instilling the concept of restorative justice in its implementation, both in the application of diversion for the perpetrator and the provision of restitution or compensation for victims.    

Article Details

How to Cite
Jennifer, G., Rumondor, J. A., & Desintha, P. K. N. (2022). The Legal Protection for Child Perpetrators and Victims of Revenge Porn in Indonesia. Law Research Review Quarterly, 8(1), 67-88.
Author Biographies

Graceyana Jennifer, Universitas Pelita Harapan

Undergraduate Law Student, Faculty of Law, Pelita Harapan University. They major in the international law studies department, which focuses on the relationship between national law and international law around the world. The author has been practicing their legal analytical skills in participating internally at the Debate and Research Community (DARE) organization as the governing persons who work to advance the research and debate abilities of the students of the Faculty of Law at Pelita Harapan University. The authior is also actively participating in various internal research, national debate, and research competitions in Indonesia.

Jenaya Adra Rumondor, Universitas Pelita Harapan

Undergraduate Law Student, Faculty of Law, Pelita Harapan University. They major in the international law studies department, which focuses on the relationship between national law and international law around the world. The author has been practicing their legal analytical skills in participating internally at the Debate and Research Community (DARE) organization as the governing persons who work to advance the research and debate abilities of the students of the Faculty of Law at Pelita Harapan University. The authior is also actively participating in various internal research, national debate, and research competitions in Indonesia.

Pande Ketut Natalia Desintha, Universitas Pelita Harapan

Undergraduate Law Student, Faculty of Law, Pelita Harapan University. They major in the international law studies department, which focuses on the relationship between national law and international law around the world. The author has been practicing their legal analytical skills in participating internally at the Debate and Research Community (DARE) organization as the governing persons who work to advance the research and debate abilities of the students of the Faculty of Law at Pelita Harapan University. The authior is also actively participating in various internal research, national debate, and research competitions in Indonesia.


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