Control of Spatial Utilization in the Spatial Plan Policy: Case of Ambarawa Ring Road Semarang Regency

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Ristiva Putri Dirmaningrum
Hasma Alfa Ali Akbar
Ana Silviana


The Regional Regulation of Semarang Regency Number 6 of 2011 Article 61 states that the provisions on the conversion of land functions, especially on irrigated rice fields to non-agricultural land, except for general development purposes, are allowed but must refer to the law. Population development causes people to often use space that is not in accordance with regulations, namely by utilizing space in food crop farming areas for the construction of commercial business buildings as happened in the Ambarawa Ring Road area. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that cause the establishment of buildings that are not in accordance with spatial planning and to determine law enforcement on controlling space utilization. This study uses a qualitative research method with a sociological juridical approach. While the types and sources of data are primary data and secondary data. The results of the study stated that in the use of space in the food crop agricultural area in the Ambarawa Ring Road area, it was found that in the area there were violations of land conversion to non-agricultural activities with the presence of several buildings for commercial business activities. The conclusion is that law enforcement on controlling the use of space in the Ambarawa Ring Road area is not optimal. The directions for imposing sanctions in the Semarang Regency Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2011 are not implemented properly.

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How to Cite
Dirmaningrum, R. P., Akbar, H. A. A., & Silviana, A. (2022). Control of Spatial Utilization in the Spatial Plan Policy: Case of Ambarawa Ring Road Semarang Regency. Law Research Review Quarterly, 8(3), 311-334.
Author Biographies

Ristiva Putri Dirmaningrum, Master of Notary Program, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Ristiva Putri Dirmaningrum, S.H. born in Semarang Regency, June 4, 1997, a student who is currently studying at the Masters of Notary at Diponegoro University. The author also graduated from the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University, graduated with Cumlaude predicate in 2020. Takes an interest in Agararia and Notary Civil Law. Comes from a family that is active in community and social activities and often holds social events.

Hasma Alfa Ali Akbar, University of Portsmouth

Hasma Alfa Ali Akbar, a student currently studying at the Faculty of Technology at the University of Portsmouth UK. The author is the 3rd child who was born and raised in England and has achievements in non-academic fields, namely winning basketball competitions and having a passion and skill in graphic design.

Ana Silviana, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Dr. Ana Silviana, S.H., M.Hum. is a Masters Lecturer in Notary Diponegoro University. The author also serves as Chair of the Notary Masters Study Program at Diponegoro University and is an Expert Lecturer in Civil Law. The author is also actively participating in activities such as Case Study-Based Training and Student Centered Learning (SCL) Class III Learning Activities in 2021 UNDIP Community Institute Services (P2KKN). In addition, the author also actively publishes National and International Journals. The author is also active in student and educational activities, especially in the Semarang city area.


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