Mathematical Connection Ability Viewed from Self Efficacy in CONINCON Learning Model with Ethnomathematics Nuances


Rizza Fahira Valenia
Zaenuri Zaenuri


This study aims to (1) find out whether the proportion of students with mathematical connection abilities ≥ minimum criteria of mastery learning in CONINCON learning model with ethnomathematics nuances was more than the learning completeness limit, namely 75%; (2) find out whether students' mathematical connection abilities through CONINCON learning model with ethnomathematics nuances were better than students' connection abilities with Problem Based Learning model; (3) find out whether students' self efficacy influences mathematical connection abilities; (4) describe mathematical connection abilities through CONINCON learning model with ethnomathematics nuances viewed from students' self efficacy. The method used was a mixed method with a sequential explanatory design. In this research, 6 research subjects were taken based on the category of self efficacy in experimental group. Research results show that (1) proportion of students with mathematical connection abilities ≥ minimum criteria of mastery learning in CONINCON learning model with ethnomathematics nuances was more than the learning completeness limit, namely 75%; (2) students' mathematical connection abilities in CONINCON learning model with ethnomathematics nuances were better than students' connection abilities in Problem Based Learning model; (3) students' self efficacy has a significant influence on mathematical connection abilities of 68.7%; (4) description of students' mathematical connection abilities with categories : (a) high category of self efficacy are able to fullfill all indicators of mathematical connection abilities; (b) medium category of self efficacy can fulfill two indicators and less able to fullfill two indicators; (c) low category  of self efficacy only fulfill an indicator.


How to Cite
Valenia, R. F., & Zaenuri, Z. (2023). Mathematical Connection Ability Viewed from Self Efficacy in CONINCON Learning Model with Ethnomathematics Nuances. Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education, 12(3), 280-290.


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