About the Journal

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Edukasi [p-ISSN 0852-0240 | e-ISSN 2746-4016] was published biannually (May November) by Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia. Publish articles containing research articles in the field of Research Education with the scope of:

  1. Educational Technology
  2. Non-formal Education
  3. Guidance and Counseling
  4. Early Childhood Education
  5. Primary School Teacher Education
  6. Educational Psychology

The Edukasi Journal is an international research journal with open access, a journal supported by a board of experts from various countries.

Indexing & Abstracting: GARUDA (Garda Rujukan Digital), Science and Technology Index (process), Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Dimension, ERIH PLUS.