The Urgency of Copyright Right on Bridal Makeup Design of Kendal Bridal Makeup Design to Reform Creative Industry in Indonesia




Copyright Registration, Bridal Makeup Design, Copyright


This research underscores the urgent need for copyright protection in the Indonesian bridal makeup design sector, particularly focusing on Kendal Bridal Makeup Design. The absence of legal safeguards for innovative makeup designs poses a significant threat to the creative efforts of makeup artists and the broader bridal industry. This study identifies a critical gap in existing intellectual property laws, which inadequately address the unique challenges of protecting original makeup designs. Findings indicate that the lack of robust copyright protections results in widespread imitation and unauthorized use of designs, undermining their economic value and diminishing creative incentives for artists. This situation impedes the growth of the creative industry, where originality and personal branding are essential. The research highlights that the current legal framework does not adequately support the sector, leaving artists exposed to exploitation and legal disputes. The novelty of this study lies in its specific focus on bridal makeup design within the Indonesian context, an area that has received limited scholarly attention. By evaluating the legal and economic impacts of insufficient copyright protection, the study offers new insights into how reforming intellectual property laws can promote innovation and support industry growth. The research contributes by advocating for targeted legal reforms to enhance copyright protections for makeup designs and provides actionable recommendations for policy changes. These measures aim to safeguard artists' rights, foster creativity, and bolster the Indonesian creative industry, thereby paving the way for a more sustainable and innovative sector.


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How to Cite

“The Urgency of Copyright Right on Bridal Makeup Design of Kendal Bridal Makeup Design to Reform Creative Industry in Indonesia”. 2024. Journal of Law and Legal Reform 5 (2): 633-54.