A. Rusmiyati(1), A. Yulianto(2),

(2) Perum Villa Siberi C.323 Banjarejo Boja Kendal Mobile Phone: 081575680400 Telp: (024) 70243631


Dalam penelitian ini dikaji efektivitas penerapan model problem based-instruction untuk menumbuhkan keterampilan proses
sains. Penelitian didisain dalam bentuk tindakan kelas dengan mengambil pokok bahasan fluida dan dilaksanakan dalam tiga
siklus. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui teknik tes mengikuti desain pre tes-pos tes serta teknik non tes. Teknik tes dilaksanakan
dalam bentuk tes awal, tes akhir dan lembar kerja siswa. Teknik non tes dilaksanakan melalui pengamatan dengan menggunakan
lembar observasi. Data penelitian diolah menggunakan analisis persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model yang
diterapkan dapat menumbuhkan keterampilan proses sains sekaligus dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif serta melatih
sikap ilmiah siswa.


Students'capability in science can be improved by through scientific research. This class action research discusses the
effectiveness in implementing problem based-instruction model to develop science process skills. The topic of this research is fluid.
The data are obtained through test and non test. The test includes pretest, posttest and students' paper work. The non test is done
through observation which is reported in observation sheet. The data are analyzed in the form of percentage.This research shows
that the problem based-instruction model can be implemented to develop science process skill, to improve cognitive ability and to
train scientific attitude of the students.

Keywords: problem based-instruction; science process skill; cognitive ability

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