P. Dwijananti(1), D. Yulianti(2),



Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini bertujuan mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir mahasiswa pada matakuliah Fisika Lingkungan
agar dapat berpartisipasi dalam pemecahan masalah pencemaran lingkungan yang selama ini menjadi topik yang menarik untuk
dapat dicari pemecahannya. Model pembelajaran yang digunakan Problem Based Intruction ( PBI) Mahasiswa diberi
kesempatan melakukan penyelidikan di dalam dan di luar kelas, data diperoleh dari Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa (LKM),lembar
pengamatan afektif dan psikomotorik dan tes Mahasiswa aktif mempresentasikan dan melakukan diskusi untuk memecahakan
masalah, serta menarik kesimpulan melalui proses berpikir kritis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kemampuan berpikir kritis
mahasiswa yang dapat dikembangkan pada model pembelajaran ini adalah: mengklasifikasi, mengasumsi, memprediksi,
menghipotesis, mengevaluasi, menganalisis, dan membuat kesimpulan. Dengan nilai rata-rata tiap siklus I, siklus II dan siklus III,
berturut-turut: 63,10; 76,32; dan 79,80. Peningkatan nilai rata-rata kemampuan berpikir kritis seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah
siswa yang termasuk kategori sangat kritis dan kritis dalam hierarki kategori kemampuan berpikir kritis.


This classroom action research is aimed to develop the students' critical thinking ability in Physics Environment class in order to
participate in “problems solving of environment pollutions†which lately has become a demand. The learning model of the research
is Problem Based Instruction (PBI). The students were assigned for indoor and outdoor investigation followed by classroom
discussion. The data about students' activities were collected from students' worksheets, affective and psychomotor observations,
as well as cognitive tests. According to observation results, students were actively involved in classroom discussion to solve the
problems presented by each group; they can conclude the solutions through critical thinking process. The result of the research
shows that the students' critical thinking abilities which can be developed from PBI method are capabilities in classifying, assuming,
predicting, making hypotheses, evaluating, and concluding. The average of critical thinking cognitive evaluation results are 63.10,
76.32, and 79.80 for cycle I, II, and III respectively. The increase of average score in critical thinking is in line with the increase of
students categorized as very critical and critical in the hierarchy of critical thinking ability.

Keywords: critical thingking; environment; problem based instruction

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