Sarwi -(1), S. Khanafiyah(2),



Pembelajaran gelombang dalam penelitian ini dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan laboratorium open-inquiry. Tujuan utama penelitian
ini untuk mengembangkan keterampilan kerja ilmiah melalui implementasi model eksperimen open-inquiry pada mata kuliah
gelombang. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian pengembangan. Data penelitian dari pelaksanaan eksperimen dan
presentasi dikumpulkan dengan lembar observasi, sedangkan penilaian produk menggunakan panduan penilaian, dan kuesioner
untuk tanggapan mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian yaitu 1) skor rata-rata keterampilan kerja ilmiah eksperimen gelombang openinquiry
78 (implementasi) dan 77 (reguler) (skala 100); 2) eksperimen open-inquiry pada mata kuliah gelombang mengkondisikan
mahasiswa belajar aktif, mandiri, bekerja sama, berpikir kritis, dan berani mengambil keputusan; 3) Tanggapan mahasiswa
terhadap model pengembangan laboratorium open-inquiry positif. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah implementasi model
pengembangan laboratorium melalui eksperimen open-inquiry mata kuliah gelombang efektif untuk mengembangkan
keterampilan kerja ilmiah.


In this researchWave classroom is conducted with open inquiry method of laboratory activities. The main goal of the research is to
develop the students' scientific work soft skill. The research is set as development research. Data of experiment process and result
presentations were collected from observation check list; data of students product evaluation were collected using scoring
guidance, and information of students' response about the model were collected from questionnaires. The results of the research
are: (1) average score of students' scientific work of open inquiryWave experiment is 78 (implementation) and 77 (regular) in 100 of
score scale; (2) open inquiry ofWave experiment can encourage students to learn actively, to study self regulated, to work together,
to think critically, and to make a decision with responsibility; (3) the students' response on the model is positive. The conclusion of
the research is that the implementation of laboratory development model through open inquiry Wave experiment is effective in
developing students' scientific performance skill.

Keywords: dynamics force; parallel concept; physics students

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