Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Reflektif Berbasis Unity of Sciences untuk Menciptakan Calon Guru Matematika Profesional

Saminanto Saminanto, Yulia Romadiastri


Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran reflektif kuliah micro teaching Berbasis Unity of Science (UoS) yang valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk menciptakan calon guru matematika profesional. Penelitian pengembangan dengan modivikasi model Plomp menghasilkan perangkat perkuliahan Micro Teaching  reflektif berbasis UoS baik RPS, SAP, bahan ajar dan instrumen penilaian. Uji kevalidan RPS sebesar 3,70, SAP sebesar 3,78, Bahan Ajar 4,00, Instrumen penilaian sebesar 3,83 dengan kriteria baik. Hasil uji kepraktisan RPS sebesar 4,75, SAP sebesar 4,53, Bahan Ajar sebesar 4,78, Instrumen penilaian sebesar 4,61 dengan kriteria sangat baik. Hasil uji keefektifan diperoleh =4,384 dan  =1,671 maka   dengan taraf signifikansi 5% dan dk= 55 dikatakan efektif. Berdasarkan analisis disimpulkan perangkat pembelajaran reflektif kuliah Micro Teaching berbasis UoS valid, praktis, dan efektif menciptakan calon guru matematika profesional.

This research aims to produce reflective instuments for micro teaching lecture based on Unity of Science (UoS) that is valid, practical, and effective to get professional mathematics teacher candidates. This development research used a modification of Plomp Model to produce reflective equipments based on UoS that is RPS, SAP, teaching materials and assessment instruments. The results of validty test were RPS 3.71, SAP 3.78, teaching materials 4.00 and assessment instruments 3.83 in good criteria. The results of practically test were RPS 4.75, SAP 4.53, teaching materials 4.78 and assessment instruments 4.61 in very good criteria. The effectivenes is obtained tcount = 4.384 and ttable= 1.671 then tcount > ttable with level significance of 5% and dk = 55, that is to be effective. Based on data, it can be concluded that reflective equipments based on UoS is valid, practical, and effective in producing professional mathematics teacher candidates.


professional teacher; refelctive learning; unity of sciences


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