Modification of The Gasik Game version 2.0 to improve 21st Century Skills for Junior High School

Frilisa Dliyaul Haya(1), Hartono Hartono(2), Sulhadi Sulhadi(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Semarang
(2) Fisika UNNES
(3) Fisika UNNES


The 21st-century skill standards in Indonesia include 4Cs (critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration); ICTs (Information, Media and Technology Skills); Character Building; and Spiritual Value. All 21st-century skills need to be possessed by students as a provision to face all the challenges of life. Therefore, we need a guide who can instill all skills. The purpose of this study was to improve the students' 21st-century skills.  The 21st-century skills in this study focused on increasing 4Cs skills. The development model used is Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate (ADDIE Model). Research subjects were 75 eighth-grade students of junior high school. Data collection method used was an experimental method. Data collection used a product assessment questionnaire, an observation rubric of 21st-century skills, and tests. Meanwhile, the product content validity test uses the v Aiken index. The modified Gasik game (Gasik version 2.0) received ratings from the experts on the material aspect of 83.68% and in the media aspect of 87.61%.  The value of the content validity v Aiken is 0.82 with a high category so that the Gasik 2.0 game can be stated as very good to be applied to 21st-century learning. The n-gain value between the pretest and posttest values in the experimental class is 0.12, while in the control class is -0.01. The results of the analysis indicate that the use of the Gasik 2.0 game can grow 4Cs skills with low categories.


21st-century skills, Gasik game, 4Cs

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