Public Services Versus Covid-19: Participation of Villagers in Public Service based on E-Government in Pandemic Pelayanan Publik Versus Covid-19: Partisipasi Masyarakat Desa dalam Pelayanan Publik Berbasis E-Government di Masa Pandemi
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This article aims to show how to improve public services' capability and accessibility through e-government for villagers to reduce the rate of spread and infection of Covid-19 and as community participation in alternative ways of getting public services, Electronic Government (e-Gov) or digital government exists. Electronic government (e-Gov) itself provides information and public services, business affairs, services related to governance, et cetera by using information technology tools. However, the obstacles in this e-government-based public service are in applying the information system and the knowledge and access to information on this e-government-based public service. The digital divide is found in rural communities, often uninformed and reluctant to experience new technologies. Therefore, a community service program is needed, namely Improving Community Capability and Accessibility in Utilizing E-Government Public Services for villagers in the Middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak in Semarang Regency.
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