Indonesian Journal of Advocacy and Legal Services starting in 2024 migrates to better secure from various unwanted things, including journal hacking and so on. To submit, the author please visit the new website page of our journal at the link
Indonesian Journal of Advocacy and Legal Services (Indonesian J. Advoc. Legal Serv.) is a double blind peer reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang. Indonesian J. Advoc. Legal Serv. published twice a year (biannual), every March and September and has been registered as Scientific Journal on LIPI with Special ISSN Number (ISSN Print 2686-2085, ISSN Online 2686-2611). Indonesian J. Advoc. Legal Serv. is a Scientific Journal of Law that has specificities in the fields of Legal Services, Community Engagement of Law Sector, Legal Aid, and Advocacy. Indonesian J. Advoc. Legal Serv. exclusively publishes articles English and uses the Open Access Journal (OJS) system. Indonesian J. Advoc. Legal Serv. also has been indexed by several national and international indexer, such as SINTA, GARUDA Ristekdikti and Google Scholars. As a journal that has special attention to issues of community advocacy and legal services, Indonesian J. Advoc. Legal Serv. also collaborates with several institutions and agencies, including the Legal Aid Institute, the Indonesian Advocates Association, the Center for Legal Studies and Advocacy, the Community Advocacy Forum, the Center for Child and Women's Protection , Police Agency.
Vol 6 No 2 (2024): Navigating Justice: Empowering Communities with Legal Advocacy and Support (Article in Press)
We are pleased to announce that the PDF versions of articles currently labeled as "Article in Press" will be published on a regular basis. This initiative aims to provide timely access to the latest research and findings. Please stay tuned for updates as new articles become available. Thank you for your continued interest in our journal!
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Regarding the paperless policy at our institution, since 2020, we do not provide printed journals and or any documents in print. All documents will be provided online. If the author wants the printed version of the journal and the certificate of authorship, please contact our editor (charged will be applied). Indonesian J. Advoc. Legal Serv. is committed to providing the best articles related to advocay and legal services that contribute both nationally and internationally. Indonesian J. Advoc. Legal Serv. provides an opportunity for anyone, whether students, lecturers, researchers, or legal practitioners to send their best manuscript to the Journal. Indonesian J. Advoc. Legal Serv. accepts manuscripts throughout the year, and there is no time limit for receipt of manuscripts except for certain topics. JIIndonesian J. Advoc. Legal Serv. also welcome opportunities for cooperation in publishing the results of Seminars and Conferences in Special or Regular Issues, for further information please contact the editor by email at: