
Certification Impact on Performance of PESH Teachers in State Junior High Schools in Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province

Adithya Soeprayogie, Endang Sri Hanani, Bambang Priyono

123-128 |

Early Childhood Football Achievement Development System at the AFQOZ Grobog Club, Tegal Regency

Okky Rizki Adi Pratama, Sugiharto Sugiharto, Nasuka Nasuka

150-155 |

Development of Swimming Learning Media Based on Interactive Multimedia Applications Through Computers and Smartphones

Satrio Jaya Susena, Sugiharto Sugiharto, Donny Wira Yudha Kusuma

156-164 |

Characteristics of Bobotoh Football Supporters in Providing Militant Support to PERSIB

Budi Defrianto, Tandiyo Rahayu, Taufiq Hidayah

165-170 |

Android-Based Physical Fitness Assessment Application for Student of Senior High School 1 Kudus

hery supriyadi, Tri Rustiadi, Tommy Soenyoto

171-176 |

The Sports Industry in the Service Sector During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Bandar Lampung

Satria Armanjaya, Tri Rustiadi, Rumini Rumini

177-184 |

Personality Profile of Athletes with Disabilities Central Java

Angga Kusumawardhanny, Sulaiman Sulaiman, Harry Pramono

192-199 |

The Effect of Plyometric and Resistance Training on Increasing The Speed And Explosive Power of The Leg Muscles

Eli Arianda, Tri Rustiadi, Donny Wira Yudha Kusuma

200-210 |

Web Application Based Assessment and Ranking Development Model in Rock Climbing

DANDI GALANG PAMBAYUN, Tandiyo Rahayu, Donny Wira Yudha Kusuma

211-216 |

the Evaluation of the Implementation of Student Sports Education and Training Center (PPLP), North Sumatra

Thova Amnas Amnas, Mugiyo Hartanto, Donny Wira Yudha Kusuma

217-222 |