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Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan rancangan “One-Group Pretest-Posttest Designâ€. Sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswa calon guru fisika yang dipilih dengan teknik random sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan tes pilihan ganda dengan pertanyaan (alasan) terbuka disertai dengan model Certainty of Response Index. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meremediasi miskonsepsi mahasiswa calon guru pada topik rangkaian listrik dengan model simulasi PhET berbantuan lembar kerja. Hasil penelitian pasca pretest diperoleh persentase mahasiswa yang miskonsepsi, terbesar pada konsep: (a) arus listrik pada lampu-2 pasca lampu-1 dicabut pada rangkaian paralel (53%), (b) beda potensial rangkaian terbuka yang mengandung sumber tegangan (48%), (c) gaya gerak listrik dan tegangan jepit (47%), (d) tegangan jepit dan arus listrik rangkaian yang mengandung sumber tegangan paralel (37%), dan (e) arus listrik pada hubungan singkat (28%). Pasca treatment dengan model simulasi PhET berbantuan lembar kerja, hasil posttest menunjukkan 9 konsep (90%) berhasil dipahami dengan baik oleh mahasiswa termasuk yang berstatus menebak konsep, kurang paham konsep, dan miskonsepsi; sedangkan konsep ggl dan tegangan jepit (1 konsep) hanya berhasil meminimalkan pemahaman konsep dan miskonsepsi mahasiswa dengan persentase menebak konsep 22%, kurang paham konsep 17%, dan miskonsepsi 11%.


This research used the experiment method withOne-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The research samples were students of physics teacher candidates that selected by random sampling technique. The research instrument used a multiple-choice test accompanied by Certainty of Response Index model. The aims of this research was to remediate misconceptions of students of physics teacher candidates on the electrical circuits topic with the PhET simulation model. The results of this research after pretest showed that the largest percentage of students’ misconceptions was on the concept of (a) an electrical current to the lamp 2 after the lamp 1 revoked in parallel circuits (53%), (b) the potential difference of open circuit containing a voltage source (48%), (c) emf and terminal voltage (47%), (d) the terminal voltage and current in a circuits containing parallel voltage source (37%), and (e) current in a short-circuit (28%). The post treatment with the PhET simulation model result showed that 9 concepts (90%) managed to be well understood by the students, including the status of guessing the concept, misunderstandingof  the concept, and misconceptions, while the concept of emf and terminal voltage (1 concept) can only minimize studexxnts’ understanding of concepts and misconceptions with a percentage of guessing the concept of 22%, misunderstand the concept of 17%, and misconceptions of 11%.


Misconceptions; Electrical Circuits; PhET Simulations

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