Ismet -(1),

(1) Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia


Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menggali kompetensi mahasiswa dalam membangun beragam representasi dan melihat dampaknya terhadap kecerdasan spasial mahasiswa. Desain penelitian menggunakan Mixed Methods Research melalui embedded experimental model. Data kuantitatif dikumpulkan meggunakan instrumen tes kecerdasan spasial yang dikembangkan berdasarkan taksonomi kapasitas inti kecerdasan spasial, dan data kualitatif dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, analisis dokumen, angket. Hasil analisis kualitatif menunjukan bahwa representasi mahasiswa belum konsisten antara satu representasi dengan representasi lainnya, namun demikian kompetensi multipel representasi mahasiswa  dari waktu ke waktu meningkat semakin membaik mendekati representasi expert. Analisis kuantitatif menunjukkan bahwa  rerata N-gain kecerdasan spasial kelas eksperimen 0,52 (kriteria sedang) lebih tinggi dari kelas kontrol 0,16 (kriteria rendah) sehingga pembelajaran mekanika berbasis multipel representasi dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan spasial mahasiswa. Peningkatan kecerdasan spasial terjadi pada semua indikator kapasitas inti kecerdasan spasial. Berdasarkan perhitungan efek-size(d) dan rerata N-gain,  maka  peningkatan paling kuat terjadi pada indikator representasi grafik (d= 4,66, dan N-gain=0,65).


A study has been conducted to explore students' ability in constructing multiple representations and examine its impact on students' spatial intelligence. This study employed a mixed-method with embedded experimental design.  Quantitative data were collected using instruments of spatial intelligence test developed based on taxonomy of core capacities of spatial intelligence. Qualitative data were collected through interviews, document analysis, and questionnaires. Quantitative analysis showed that theinitialrepresentation ofthe studentshave not beenconsistentfrom one format representationtoanother. However, students' competencies of multiple representations were getting better and almost similar with expert’s representation.  Quantitativeanalysis showed that the averageN-gainof 0.52(medium category) of experimental class was higher than theN-gain of 0.16(low criterion) of control class, so that multiple representations-based mechanics  learning  can improve students’ spatial intelligence. The improvement of spatial intelligence occured in all indicators of the core capacities of spatial intelligence, with the strongest increase in the indicator of graphic representation (the average N-gain = 0.65 and  d-effect size = 4.66).


multiple representations; mechanics; spatial intelligence

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