S. Susilawati(1), S. Ristanto(2), N. Khoiri(3),

(1) Pendidikan Fisika Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia
(2) Pendidikan Fisika Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia
(3) Pendidikan Fisika Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan gambaran pembelajaran real laboratory dan tugas mandiri fisika pada siswa SMK. Paket real laboratory konsep gelombang bunyi dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi fenomena bunyi yang belum mampu dipraktikumkan menggunakan KIT mekanika. Prosedur penelitian terdiri dari persiapan dan pelaksanaan. Pada tahap persiapan dilakukan analisis konsep gelombang bunyi dan penyusunan instrumen penelitian. Pada tahap pelaksanaan diterapkan pembelajaran real laboratory dan tugas mandiri fisika pada siswa SMK, selanjutnya dilakukan analisis data hasil penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa keterampilan kinerja dan keaktifan siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran real laboratory dengan tugas mandiri lebih baik dibandingkan dengan hasil tes kinerja siswa yang hanya mendapatkan pembelajaran real laboratory

The purpose of this work is to get an idea of the real learning physics laboratory and self-regulated assignment of vocational students. A real laboratory package of sound wave concept was done to identify the sound phenomena that have not been able to be practiced using mechanics apparaturs sets. The procedure of this work consists of the preparation and execution, where in the preparatory phase it was done an analysis of sound wave concept and preparation of research instruments. The implementation was done using real laboratory learning and self-regulated assignment of physics subject on vocational students, further the analysis of the research data was also done. The result showed that the performance and activity of students getting a real laboratory learning with self-regulated assignment are better than that of students only getting real laboratory learning.


real laboratory, sound waves, independent task, learning physics

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