Table of Contents
KEMAMPUAN GURU SD/MI DALAM MENTERJEMAHKAN MATA FELAJARAN (SBK) SENI BUDAYA DAN KERAJINAN (The Ability of Elementary School Teacher in Translating Art Culture and Craft Subject)
- Hartono(1),
(1) |
JEJAK CAMPURSARI (The History of Campursari)
Joko Wiyoso(1),
(1) |
PROFIL PURA MANGKUNAGARAN DALAM STRUKTUR ORGANISASI DAN PENGELOLAAN ORGANISASISENI (Mangkunegaran Profile in Organisation Structure and Art Organisation Management)
- Malarsih(1),
(1) |
KOMPETENSI KOREOGRAFER PENDIDIKAN BERBASIS IMTAK DAN IPTEKS ( Competence On Educational Choreography Based on Science Technologi and Spritual)
Dinny Devi Triani(1),
(1) |
DAMPAK TAYANGAN LAGU ANAK-ANAK DI TELEVISI PADA PENDIDIKAN SENI DI SEKOLAH (The Effect of Children Song Show on Television Toward Art Education in School)
- Kusrina(1),
(1) |
REOG KEMASAN SEBAG AIASET PARIWISATA UNGGULAN KABUPATEN PONOROGO (The Packes Reog as the high tourism ofPonorogo residence)
- Maryono(1),
(1) |
TARI PENDET SEBAGAI TARI BALIH-BALIHAN ( Kajian Koreografi) (Pendet Dance as Welcome Dance Coreography Research)
Siluh Made Astini(1), Usrek Tani Utina(2),
(1) (2) |
FUNGSI MITOS DALAM KEHIDUPAN SOSIAL BUDAYA MASYARAKAT PENDUKUNGNYA (The Function of Myth in Social Cultural Life of Its Supporting Community)
Sri Iswidayanti(1),
(1) |
SIMBOLISME ADEGAN JEJER KEDATONAN DAN PERANG GAGAL PADA SAJIAN WAYANG KULIT PURWA SURAKARTA (Simbolism of episode jejer kedatonan and peranggagal on the surakarta wayang kulit purwa)
- Sudarsono(1),
(1) |
NILAI- NILAI BUDAYA DALAM KESENIAN TUTOR PMtoH Nilai-nilai Budttya dalam Kesenian Tutur PMtoh (Cultural Values in Art of PM toH)
Tata Kurnita Yeningsih(1),
(1) |