(1) Gedung D7 Lantai 2 Kampus Sekaran Gunungpati 50229
(2) Gedung D7 Lantai 2 Kampus Sekaran Gunungpati 50229
(3) Gedung D7 Lantai 2 Kampus Sekaran Gunungpati 50229
Pembelajaran Fisika Gelombang (PFG) dilaksanakan melalui implementasi model eksperimen open-inquiry. Tujuan utama penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan keterampilan komunikasi ilmiah mahasiswa fisika. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen kependidikan (experiment educational research), dengan rancangan post test control group design. Subjek penelitian adalah dua kelompok belajar 27 mahasiswa (eksperimen) dan 38 mahasiswa (kontrol) peserta mata kuliah Gelombang tahun 2012. Data penelitian tentang penguasaan konsep gelombang dan keterampilan komunikasi ilmiah dikumpulkan dengan tes dan lembar penilaian. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji t dan uji korelasi. Hasil penelitian yaitu: a) korelasi positif antara keterampilan komunikasi ilmiah dan penguasaan konsep gelombang pada kategori tinggi dan sangat signifikan (p = 0.002), dan b) korelasi positif antara keterampilan komunikasi ilmiah dan nilai akhir semester pada kategori sangat tinggi dan sangat signifikan (p = 0.001), c) diperoleh perbedaan keterampilan komunikasi ilmiah yang signifikan antara kelompok tutorial dan non tutorial. Berdasarkan hasil analisis disimpulkan bahwa implementasi model eksperimen gelombang open-inquiry efektif untuk mengembangkan keterampilan komunikasi ilmiah mahasiswa fisika.
The Waves Physics Learning (WPL) was carried out through implementation of an open-inquiry experiment model. The main objective was to develop physics students’ scientific communication skills. The research used experiment educational research, with post-test control group design. The subject of research consisted of 27 tutorial and 38 non tutorial students who took Wave subject in 2012. Data of the concept understanding on waves and scientific communication skills were collected by test and an observation sheets for. These data were analyzed by using t test and correlation analysis. Results of this research showed that a) there was a positive and significant (p = 0.002) correlation between scientific communication skill and wave concept understanding in high category, b) there was a positive correlation and significant (p = 0.001) between scientific communication skill and final achievement in very high category and c) there was a significant difference on scientific communication skill between tutorial and non tutorial groups. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the implementation of an open inquiry experiment model is effective to develop the scientific communication skills of physics’ students.
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