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Pandecta Research Law Journal is a scientific legal publication dedicated to exploring contemporary legal issues in Indonesia. Specializing in Indonesian law, this journal consistently publishes a diverse array of articles across various legal domains. With a firm commitment to fostering international collaboration and knowledge exchange, Pandecta Research Law Journal serves as a prominent platform for disseminating legal research findings and facilitating discussions on the dynamic developments in the Indonesian legal landscape. Indonesia, as a developing country, offers a rich and fascinating landscape for legal development studies. Its extensive jurisdiction encompasses a diverse array of factors, including social politics, culture, ethnicity, religion, and local wisdom. These multifaceted influences contribute to the complexity and diversity of legal developments in Indonesia, rendering them both captivating and highly relevant to the international community. The unique interplay of these elements makes legal studies in Indonesia not only interesting but also invaluable for gaining insights into the broader global context and understanding the dynamics of legal systems worldwide.
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Since the first edition, this Journal is published twice in January and July every year until the second edition of 2014 it was changed to June and December every year.
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Vol 18, No 2 (2023): December
Table of Contents
The Virtue of Morality: A Comparative Study Between Indonesia and England
Zakki Adlhiyati(1), Harjono Harjono(2),
(1) Department of Procedural Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret (2) Department of Procedural Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret |
Implementation of the Use and Protection of Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable Tourism Development
Abdul Atsar(1), Ida Surya(2), Zunnuraeni Zunnuraeni(3), Saroj Jha(4),
(1) Faculty of Law, Universitas Mataram (2) Faculty of Law, Universitas Mataram (3) Faculty of Law, Universitas Mataram (4) St John College of Humanities and Sciences |
Optimizing the Health System Through Increasing Health Service Guarantees in the Context of Fulfilling Human Rights Post the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Sahat Maruli Tua Situmeang(1), Diah Pudjiastuti(2),
(1) Universitas Komputer Indonesia (2) Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Bisnis International Women University |
Development of Integrity Zone Towards Corruption-Free (WBK)/Clean Bureaucracy (WBBM) at Work Unit Law Faculty UNNES
Aprila Niravita(1), Tri Andari Dahlan(2), Rahayu Fery Anitasari(3), Andry Setiawan(4), Ayup Suran Ningsih(5),
(1) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang (2) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang (3) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang (4) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang (5) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang |
Analysis of Legal Protection for the Debtors Against Abuse of Circumstances Committed by Creditors in Forming a Sale and Purchase Agreement
Araningrum Widiati Hutami(1), Rachmi Sulistyarini(2), Mohammad Hamidi Masykur(3),
(1) Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya (2) Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya (3) Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya |
Limited Liability Company's Status After Insolvency: Dissolution or Rehabilitation?
Doni Budiono(1), Maria Clarisa Talia(2),
(1) Association of Civil Procedure Law Lecturers (2) Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga |
Evaluation Study of the Chancery Court (Balai Harta Peninggalan) as a Bankruptcy Curator
Tata Wijayanta(1), Sheva Trisanda Adistia(2), Rado F. Leonardus(3), B.E. Hermawan(4),
(1) Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada (2) Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada (3) DPH Lawfirm (4) KH Law Office |
Conceptual Analysis on the Potential Regulation of Income Tax Incentives for Floating Hospital’s Financing by State-Owned Enterprises
Adrianto Dwi Nugroho(1), Regina Ditta Prameswari Bismark(2),
(1) Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada (2) Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada |
Asset Seizure of Money Laundering Crimes Arising from Corruption in the Perspective of Legal Certainty and Justice
Sahuri Lasmadi(1), Usman Usman(2), Elly Sudarti(3), Nys. Arfa(4),
(1) Faculty of Law, Universitas Jambi (2) Faculty of Law, Universitas Jambi (3) Faculty of Law, Universitas Jambi (4) Faculty of Law, Universitas Jambi |
Bureaucratic Reform of the National Police Agency Through Improving the Quality of Human Resources to Realize Excellent Public Services
Pratama Herry Herlambang(1), Yos Johan Utama(2), Aju Putrijanti(3),
(1) Universitas Diponegoro (2) Universitas Diponegoro (3) Universitas Diponegoro |
The Urgency of Organizing Insurtech in Improving Insurance Services Based on POJK No. 13/POJK.02/2018 Regarding Digital Financial Innovation in the Financial Services Sector
Rindia Fanny Kusumaningtyas(1), Ristina Yudhanti(2), Afifah Widyastuti(3),
(1) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang (2) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang (3) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang |
Halal Certification Systems: A Comparison Between Indonesia and Turkey
Nurul Fibrianti(1), Aprila Niravita(2), Sang Ayu Putu Rahayu(3), Ratih Damayanti(4), Ayup Suran Ningsih(5),
(1) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang (2) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang (3) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang (4) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang (5) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang |