Management Analysis Journal (MAJ) is an open-access electronic journal focusing on scientific work on the field of business. This journal applies the theory developed from business research and connects it to actual business situations. The articles within this journal are published quarterly (March, June, September, and December). This journal is maintained and issued by Departement of Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang. MAJ has been accredited by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) Managed by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic Indonesia with Third Grade according to the decree No. 23/E/KPT/2019.
Areas of research that covered by MAJ are:
Retno Selviyani, Nury Ariani Wulansari
232-241 | published: 2019-09-20
Siti Nurul Hidayah, palupiningdyah palupiningdyah
242-252 | published: 2019-09-20
Andre Ageng Satryo, Andhi Wijayanto
253-264 | published: 2019-09-20
Aris Widodo, Murwatiningsih Murwatiningsih
265-274 | published: 2019-09-20
Helmi Sofiana, Dorojatun Prihandono
275-283 | published: 2019-09-20
Maulida Anisa, S Martono
284-292 | published: 2019-09-20
Ririn Amelia Sari, Anindya Ardiansari
293-301 | published: 2019-09-20
Gita Cahyani, Achmad Slamet
302-311 | published: 2019-09-20
Listriyani Listriyani, wahyono wahyono
312-320 | published: 2019-09-20
Irma Octaviana, Arief Yulianto
321-329 | published: 2019-09-20
Erna Ratnasari, Ketut Sudarma
330-339 | published: 2019-09-20
Siti Melinda Sari, Desti Ranihusna
340-349 | published: 2019-09-20