Review of Child Consumer Protection in the Practice of Online Gambling Games Through the Gacha System
Child, Consumer Protection, Gambling, GachaAbstract
Online game industry practices are increasingly widespread and diverse in order to attract users, one of the widespread online game practices is a game with the use of the gacha system. This article discusses the gacha system in online games and the potential impact on children. Gacha, which involves paying for random in-game items, is likened to gambling due to its elements of chance and potential profit. The system triggers dopamine release, making players feel happy, but children are particularly vulnerable to its mechanics. The article highlights the lack of juridical protection in Indonesia against online games using gacha systems. While the Child Protection Law prohibits economic exploitation of children, there are no specific regulations addressing gacha systems in online games. The authors identify the potential economic exploitation of children through gacha as a significant problem. They suggest two solutions: promoting traditional games with character-building content to children, and providing education about charac-ter development when introducing these games. From a legal perspective, the arti-cle calls for concrete protection measures for children playing online games with gacha systems. The research employs a normative juridical approach, utilizing library research based on literature.
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