Focus and Scope

The Indonesian Journal of International Clinical Legal Education is a peer reviewed journal published quartelry (March, June, September, and December) by Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES), Indonesia. The Indonesian Journal of International Clinical Legal Education is open access law journal devoted to issues of law and lawyering, legal practice and procedure, clinical teaching, social justice and legal aid, and legal education generally in Indonesia and global context. The Indonesian Journal of International Clinical Legal Education published excusively in English, and the Journal seeks to expand the boundaries of Indonesian legal discourses to access English-speaking contributors and readers all over the world. The Journal, hence, welcomes contributions from international legal scholars and professionals as well as from representatives of courts, executive authorities, government, and agencies of development cooperation. Clinical legal education developed as a means to teach law students about the practice of law, and The Indonesian Journal of International Clinical Legal Education is a forum for students, researchers, practitioners and legal expertsin a unique position to engage in, and potentially promote, social justice issues outside their immediate communities and jurisdictions. The Indonesian Journal of International Clinical Legal Education is a journal that focuses on providing a broad platform in a global context to empower students with practical capabilities, skills, and values about lawyering in a social justice setting.