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JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Vol 12, No 1 (2019): March 2019 Estimation of Demand Elasticity for Food Commodities in Java Island Abstract   PDF
Laksmi Yustika Devi, R Y Kun Haribowo Purnomosidi
Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan Vol 6, No 1 (2017): June 2017 [Nationally Accredited] ETHANOL PRODUCTION FROM FERMENTATION OF ARUM MANIS MANGO SEEDS (MANGIFERA INDICA L.) USING Saccharomyces Crevisiaea Abstract   PDF
Masturi Masturi, amelia cristina, Nurul Istiana, Sunarno Sunarno, Pratiwi Dwijananti
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 27, No 1 (2017): PARAMITA ETHICAL POLITIC AND EMERGENCE OF INTELLECTUAL CLASS Abstract   PDF
Annzar Abdullah
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education Vol 14, No 2 (2014): December 2014 Ethical Values of Malangan Shadow Puppet Show from East Java in the Lakon of Kalakerna Gugat Abstract   PDF
S. Sudarsono
Jurnal Scientia Indonesia Vol 5, No 1 (2019): April 2019 Ethics of the Prosecutor’s Profession Related to Legal Fact Engineering in Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Tarmizi Taher
Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Politics and Public Services Ethics Political Communication Using Gayo Cultural System Approach (edet gayo) Abstract   PDF
Hasan Basri, Muhsin Efendi
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 30, No 1 (2020): PARAMITA Ethnic Chinese during the New Order: Teaching Materials Development for History Learning based on Multiculturalism Abstract   PDF
Hendra Kurniawan
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 33, No 2 (2023): History and Tragedy Ethnic Cleansing of the Rohingyas: a Historical Analysis Abstract   PDF
Md. Abdus Samad
Komunitas Vol 11, No 1 (2019): March 2019 Ethnic Cleavages: The Descendant and Clan Sentiment on Local Executive Election in North Tapanuli, North Sumatera Province Abstract   Fulltext PDF
Erond Litno Damanik
Agus Mulyana, Wawan Darmawan, Yeni Kurniawati
Komunitas Vol 12, No 2 (2020): September 2020 Ethnobotanical Knowledge of Plant Ingredients Among Sellers of Jamu Ngadirgo Semarang Abstract   PDF
Fadly Husain, Dian Puspita Sary, Fajar Fajar, Rini Iswari, Baiq Farhatul Wahidah
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 13, No 3 (2021): December 2021 Ethnobotanical Studies of Medicinal Plants Used in Managing Diabetes mellitus in Rejang Lebong Districts, Bengkulu - Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Sri Endarti Rahayu, Yusi Marisa, Ikhsan Matondang
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 12, No 3 (2020): December 2020 Ethnobotanical Study of Early Childhood Medicinal Plants Used by the Local People in South Bangka Regency, Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Henri Henri, Vitryany Nababan, Luchman Hakim
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 9, No 2 (2017): August 2017 Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants in Karangwangi, District of Cianjur, West Java Abstract   PDF
Desak Made Malini, Madihah Madihah, Joko Kusmoro, Fitri Kamilawati, Johan Iskandar
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 8, No 1 (2016): March 2016 Ethnobotanical Study of Rattans on Suku Anak Dalam Community in Bukit Duabelas Nasional Park Abstract   PDF
Dwi Mairida, Muhadiono Muhadiono, Iwan Hilwan
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 11, No 2 (2019): August 2019 Ethnobotanical Study on Medicinal Plants in Sesaot Forest, Narmada,West Lombok, Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Slamet Mardiyanto Rahayu, Arista Suci Andini
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 12, No 2 (2020): August 2020 Ethnobotanical Study on Plants Used by Local People in Dusun Beleq, Gumantar Village, North Lombok Regency Abstract   PDF
Sawmi Jannaturrayyan, Kurniasih Sukenti, Immy Suci Rohyani, Sukiman Dao
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 11, No 3 (2019): December 2019 Ethnobotany of Balimo (Zanthoxylum nitidum) in the Kanayatn Dayak Community in Tapakng, West Kalimantan Abstract   PDF
Letus Sepsamli, Jumari Jumari, Erma Prihastanti
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 9, No 1 (2017): April 2017 Ethnobotany of Bamboo in Sangirese, North Celebes Abstract   PDF
Alin Liana, Purnomo Purnomo, Issirep Sumardi, Budi Setiadi Daryono
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Vol 12, No 2 (2023): June 2023 Ethnochemistry Potential of Vines Contained in Lontar Usada Taru Pramana on Students’ Scientific Explanation Skills through Task-Based Learning Abstract   PDF
I. G. L. Wiratma, I. A. A. Yuliamiastuti
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Vol 11, No 2 (2022): June 2022 Ethnochemistry-based Adobe Flash Learning Media Using Indigenous Knowledge to Improve Students' Scientific Literacy Abstract   PDF
L. Heliawati, L. Lidiawati, P. N. A. Adriansyah, E. Herlina
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 9, No 1 (2017): April 2017 Ethno-ecology of Komplangan Field of the Bromo, Tengger, and Semeru Area in East Java:A Qualitative Approach Abstract   PDF
Jati Batoro, Serafinah Indriyani, Bagyo Yanuwiadi
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 10, No 2 (2018): August 2018 Ethnomycology of Bracket Fungi in Baduy Tribe Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Rida Oktorida Khastini, Indria Wahyuni, Irma Saraswati
Lembaran Ilmu Kependidikan Vol 52, No 1 (2023): April: Curriculum and Learning, Technology and Innovation in Education Ethnopedagogica-Based Character Education Model to Build Excellent Character of Students in Elementary Schools Abstract   PDF
Nadila Dirgantari, Isah Cahyani
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Vol 9, No 1 (2020): March 2020 Ethno-Stem Project-Based Learning: Its Impact to Critical and Creative Thinking Skills Abstract   PDF
W. Sumarni, S. Kadarwati
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