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Dinamika Pendidikan Vol 12, No 2 (2017): December 2017 The Influence of Creativity and Learning Innovation on Entrepreneurial Mentality and its Implications for Learning Outcomes Abstract   PDF
Asep Sjamsul Bachri, Ani Setiani
Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi Vol 8, No 1 (2016): March 2016 The Influence of Dividend Payout Ratio and Free Cash Flow to Debt to Equity Ratio Abstract   PDF
Yurizki Wida Hapsari, Isharijadi Isharijadi, Purweni Widhianningrum
Dinamika Pendidikan Vol 10, No 2 (2015): December 2015 The Influence of Economic Literacyon Consumption Behaviour Mediated by Local Cultural Values and Promotion Abstract   PDF
Aldila Septiana
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 6, No 1 (2021): April 2021 The Influence of Electronic Medical Record Toward Drug Planning Quality at the Pharmacy Department of the Hospital ‘X’ Abstract   PDF
Menik Hendrawati, Farid Agushybana, Apoina Kartini
Dinamika Pendidikan Vol 11, No 1 (2016): June 2016 The Influence of Entrepreneurship Subject on Students’ Interest in Entrepreneurship by Hidden Curriculum as Intervening Variable Abstract   PDF
Amin Kuncoro, Hutomo Rusdianto
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 9, No 3 (2017): December 2017 The Influence of Environmental Factors on the Diversity of Gastropods in Marsegu Island, Maluku Abstract   PDF
Wiwien Bula, Fredy Leiwakabessy, Dominggus Rumahlatu
Sainteknol : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 20, No 2 (2022): December 2022 The Influence of E-Service Quality, E-Trust, and Product Quality on Purchasing Decisions Through the Allofresh Transmart Application Abstract   XML   PDF
Wanuri Wanuri, Sarbullah Sarbullah, Eko Dwiyanto
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Vol 8, No 3 (2019): September 2019 The Influence of Field Trip on Junior High School Students’ Naturalistic Intelligence and Problem-Solving Skill in Ecosystem Subject Abstract   PDF
Y. H. Adisendjaja, M. M. K. Abdi, A. Amprasto, I. Fardhani
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Vol 11, No 3 (2022): September 2022 The Influence of Flipped Classroom-Based Project Assessment on Concept Understanding and Critical Thinking Skills in Physics Learning Abstract   PDF
N. K. Rapi, I. W. Suastra, P. Widiarini, I. W. Widiana
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Vol 12, No 3 (2023): September 2023 The Influence of H5P Interactive Video on Stereoisomer Understanding in Terms of Learning Style Abstract   PDF
K. Kartimi, E. Chandra, O. R. Riyanto
JDM (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen) Vol 12, No 1 (2021): March 2021 The Influence of Heritage Image, Destination Image, and Experiential Quality on Behavioural Intentions of Foreign Tourists Abstract   PDF
Harbyanto Junarta, Nuryakin Nuryakin, Indah Fatmawati
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 13, No 2 (2021): August 2021 The Influence of Inducers on the Coltricia cinnamomea Laccase Activity and its Ability to Degrade POME Abstract   PDF
Yohanes Bernard Subowo, Arwan Sugiharto
JDM (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen) Vol 8, No 2 (2017): September 2017 The Influence of Information Framing towards Investors Reaction in Bullish and Bearish Market Condition: an Experiment Abstract   PDF
Caecilia Wahyu Estining Rahayu
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Vol 7, No 2 (2018): June 2018 The Influence of Inquiry-Based Science Issues Learning on Practical Skills of Junior High School Students in Environmental Pollution Topic Abstract   PDF
P. W. Hastuti, V. A. Tiarani, T. Nurita
TEKNOBUGA: Jurnal Teknologi Busana dan Boga Vol 11, No 1 (2023) The Influence of Instagram Influencers on Impulse Buying Fashion Products Abstract   PDF
Avrylia Indah Sari, Melly Prabawati, Esty Nurbaity Arrsy
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2020): April 2020 The Influence of Integrated Management Neonatal and Childhood Illness Training on Knowledge, Attitude, Motivation and Compliance of Midwife Neonatal Visit Abstract   PDF
Yuda Ayu Timorini, Oktia Woro Kasmini Handayani, Rr. Sri Ratna Rahayu
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 31, No 2 (2021): History of Asia and Indonesia The Influence of Javanese Political Concept of Power on President Sukarno Abstract   PDF
Baskara T Wardaya
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2020): April 2020 The Influence of Knowledge, Attitude, and Family Supports on the Behavior of Utilization Garbage in Kendari City Abstract   PDF
Sarif Febriandi, Asih Kuswardinah, Eunike Raffy Rustiana
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2018): August 2018 The Influence of Knowledge, Attitude, Family Support and Peer Support on The Behavior of Female Teenage Menstrual Hygiene Abstract   PDF
Meika Ayu Cahya Ningrum, Dyah Rini Indriyanti
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 4, No 2 (2019): October 2019 The Influence of Knowledge Management towards Motivation Teaching in Boarding Schools Abstract   PDF
Soeprayitno Soeprayitno, Purwati Yuni Rahayu
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2018): August 2018 The Influence of Knowledge, Motivation, and Attitude Toward The Behavior of Housewife to Eradicate of Aedes Aegepty Mosquito Nest (PSN) Abstract   PDF
Regina Pricilia Yunika, Budi Laksono, Sri Maryati Deliana
JDM (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen) Vol 14, No 1 (2023): March 2023 The Influence of Kobe Bryant as an Endorser and Subjective Norms on Consumer Purchase Intentions for Nike Basketball Shoes Abstract   PDF
Mohammed Alvan Principia Henry, Budi Astuti, Basu Swastha Dharmmesta
IKE DIAN PUSPITASARI, Hernina Dewi Lestari
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 9, No 2 (2023): August: (Adult Education and Community Empowerment) The Influence of Leadership Discipline on the Quality-of-Service Implementation of Nonformal Education Program Abstract   PDF
Abdul Rahmat, Henny Suharyati, Widyatmike Gede Mulawarman, Okke Rosmaladewi, Marsha Angelina US
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Vol 7, No 4 (2018): December 2018 The Influence of Learning Models and Learning Reliance on Students’ Scientific Literacy Abstract   PDF
R. Ratini, H. Muchtar, M. A. Suparman, A. H. Tamuri, E. Susanto
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