Analysis Of Instrument Test Of Historical Thinking Skills In Senior High School History Learning With Quest Programs

  • Ofianto Ofianto Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Historical Thinking, Validity, Item Difficulty, Item Discrimination, Distractor Of Efficiency, Reliability


This descriptive quantitative research aims to describe the quality of questions about history subjects in the West Sumatra District, including validity, item difficulty, item discrimination, distractor efficiency, and reliability. Objects in this study are question tests and 443 sheets of answer sheets, including MAN 3 Padang, MAN Pariaman, and MAN 3 Padang Panjang, a critical answer test, a test blueprint, and then its analysis with the quest program. This research shows that the content validity category was 28 (56%), and un-valid was 22 questions (44%). The difficulty questions were in the easy category, which was 1 question (2%); the immediate category was nine questions (18%), and the problematic category was 40 questions (80%). Item discrimination is weak category was 26 questions (52%), the enough category was 18 questions (36%), the good category was four questions (8%), the excellent questions were 1 question (2%), and the lousy category was 1 question (2%). Distractor efficiency was 47 questions (94%), and not function was three questions (6%). The average Kuder-Richarson formula 20 reliability coefficient was 0,53, which means it has enough reliability.


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How to Cite
Ofianto, O. (2021). Analysis Of Instrument Test Of Historical Thinking Skills In Senior High School History Learning With Quest Programs. Indonesian Journal of History Education, 6(2), 227-240.