
Critical Thinking Ability Reviewed from Epistemic Curiosity Interest Type in Comic-Assisted Learning

Imam Fahruddin, Scolastika Mariani, Tri Sri Noor Asih

9-16 |

The The Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills of Students with Proscrastination in E-Learning Assisted Problem-based Learning Method

Rizka Maullaydia Kusuma Dewi, Rochmad Rochmad, Dwijanto Dwijanto

17-25 |

(Critical Thinking Ability of Class VIII Students in terms of Conceptual Knowledge and Mathematical Dispositions)

Ilmi Alifia Aryani, Hardi Suyitno, Supriyadi Supriyadi

42-47 |

Mathematics Literacy of Class Ix Students of Smp Pelita 1 Jakarta from Learning Style and English Ability

Ponirin Ponirin, Hardi Suyitno, Saiful Ridlo

55-63 |

Problem Solving Ability Judging from Adversity Quotient on Problem Based Learning Model Assisted by Ethnomathematics Module

Petronela Ivoni Susanty, Zaenuri Zaenuri, Iqbal Kharisudin

64-70 |

Mathematical Connection Ability Based on Self Confidence of Class XI Students in STEM-Based CONINCON Learning

Marda Ulya Reksadini, Rochmad Rochmad, Iwan Junaedi

88-96 |

Analysis Of Student Mathematics Problem Solving Ability Reviewed from Adversity Quotient (Aq) With Dynamic Assessment

Muhamad Nugroho, Kartono Kartono, Isnarto Isnarto

102-107 |

Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability in terms of Learning Independence in Problem Based Learning with E-scaffolding.

Ayu Setyaningrum, Mulyono Mulyono, Isnaini Rosyida

108-113 |