Pewarisan Nilai-Nilai Sedekah Bumi pada Generasi Muda di Dusun Taban Desa Jenengan Kecamatan Klambu Kabupaten Grobogan


Layinnatu Julniyah
Asep Ginanjar


This study is aimed to find out how the inheritance process and the role of families and society in inheriting the alms earth values to the young generations in Taban. In addition, this study is aimed to find out the obstacles in the process of inheriting the alms earth values to the young generations. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with data selection sources through purposive and snowball. The results of this study showed that the process of inheriting alms earth values was carried out through education done by families and society namely imitation, socialization, and enculturation. The inheritance process requires the contribution of facilities through formal education like schools and non-formal education like family, peers, local government, and society. The obstacles in inheriting process are the negative impacts of globalization, like the presence of new cultures, the viewpoint of young generations that the noble values are not suitable with modern life, and the degradation tendency of the young generations affiliation to local culture.


How to Cite
Julniyah, L., & Ginanjar, A. (2020). Pewarisan Nilai-Nilai Sedekah Bumi pada Generasi Muda di Dusun Taban Desa Jenengan Kecamatan Klambu Kabupaten Grobogan. Sosiolium: Jurnal Pembelajaran IPS, 2(2), 139-145.


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