The effectiveness of project based learning with creative mind-map tasks for improving mathematical connection ability and student curiosity


Yudha Kristia Kartika
Emi Pujiastuti
Edy Soedjoko


This study aimed to know the effectiveness of PjBL learning model with creative mind-map assignments on student’s Mathematical Connection Abilities and student’s curiosity. Population in this study was students of grade VIII SMP Negeri 1 Margorejo Pati year 2017/2018 with a true experimental design types posttest-only control design and samples were chosen randomly. Analysis of data used the proportion test and t-test. The results showed that (1) the ability of student’s mathematical connection of the subject who have gained PjBL learning model with creative mind-map assignments have achieved the classical completeness; (2) the mathematical connection abilities of students who have gained PjBL learning model with creative mind-map assignments is higher than students who have gained expository models and (3) the curiosity of students who have gained PjBL learning model with creative mind-map assignments is higher than students who have gained expository models.


How to Cite
Kartika, Y., Pujiastuti, E., & Soedjoko, E. (2019). The effectiveness of project based learning with creative mind-map tasks for improving mathematical connection ability and student curiosity. Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education, 8(2), 145-151.


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