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Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 8, No 2 (2016): September 2016 The Effects of Dose Rhizoctonia Binucleat (BNR) and Phosphorus to Nitrate Reductase Activity (NRA) and Chlorophyll of Vanilla Seedling (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) Abstract   PDF
Haryuni Haryuni, Tyas Soemarah Kurnia Dewi
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 5, No 1 (2020): April 2020 The Effects of Ethnoscience Integrated STEM E-Book Application on Student’s Science Generic Skills in Chemical Equilibrium Topic Abstract   PDF
Izatul Azalia, Sudarmin Sudarmin, Aries Wisnuadi
Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi Vol 12, No 2 (2020): September 2020 The Effects of Financial and Environmental Performances on Firm Value with Environmental Disclosure as an Intervening Variable Abstract   PDF
Theresia Coline Sari Rinsman, Andrian Budi Prasetyo
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 13, No 2 (2017) The Effects of Lead (Pb) Exposure to Blood Pb Concentration and Hemoglobin Levels in Book Sellers and Street Vendors of Surakarta Abstract   PDF
Khotijah Khotijah, Ipop Sjarifah, Putu Gede Oka Mahendra, Vitri Widyaningsih, Haris Setyawan
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 15, No 1 (2019) The Effects of Lighting Intensity on the Productivity of Textile Workers in Surakarta Abstract   PDF
Maria Paskanita Widjanarti, Haris Setyawan, Isna Qadrijati
Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi Vol 11, No 2 (2019): September 2019 The Effects of PAD, DAU, and Employee Expenses on Capital Expenditures with Population Density as a Moderating Variable Abstract   PDF
Kuat Waluyo Jati, Subowo Subowo, Wina Ilmiyana, Maylia Pramono Sari
Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan Vol 12, No 2 (2023): December 2023 [Nationally Accredited Sinta 2] The Effects of Raw Material Ratio and Calorific Value on Gasification Rate from Co-Gasification of Coal and Biomass (Bagasse) Abstract   PDF
Muhammad Harry Kurniansyah, Abu Hasan, Aida Syari
JDM (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen) Vol 6, No 1 (2015): March 2015 The Effects of Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Trust, and Perceived Value towards Customer Loyalty Abstract   PDF
Tanisah Tanisah, Ida Maftukhah
JDM (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen) Vol 9, No 1 (2018): March 2018 The Effects of Store Environment and Merchandise to Customer Responses: an Empirical Study Abstract   PDF
Richard I. Haryono, Sabrina O. Sihombing
Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi Vol 10, No 1 (2018): March 2018 The Effects of Tax Avoidance, Accrual Earnings Management, Real Earnings Management, and Capital Intensity on the Cost of Equity Abstract   PDF
Amrie Firmansyah, Ahmad Sigid Febriyanto
Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi Vol 10, No 1 (2018): March 2018 The Effects of Tax Avoidance, Accrual Earnings Management, Real Earnings Management, and Capital Intensity on the Cost of Equity Abstract   PDF
Raka Adhi Prasetya, Agung Yulianto
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 8, No 2 (2016): September 2016 The Effects of Terminalia catappa L. Leaves Extract on the Water Quality Properties, Survival and Blood Profile of Ornamental fish (Betta sp) Cultured Abstract   PDF
Rudy Agung Nugroho, Hetty Manurung, Dewi Saraswati, Deasy Ladyescha, Firman Muhammad Nur
Hardani Hardani, Alpiana Hidayatulloh, Lily Maesary A.
Jurnal Profesi Keguruan Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Profesi Keguruan The Effort Of Improving The Civics Students Achievements In The Effects Of Globalizations By Using Snowball Throwing Method Abstract   PDF
Heri Suwarto
JDM (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen) Vol 7, No 2 (2016): September 2016 The Effort to Create Customer Engagement on Customer E_Banking (Empirical Studies on Bank BNI Regional Semarang) Abstract   PDF
Alimuddin Rizal Rivai, Wahyudi Wahyudi
Elementary School Teacher Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Elementary School Teacher The Effort to Teach PGSD Students in Developing Geometry Learning Method Based on Van Hiele’s Theory Abstract   PDF
Nursiwi Nugraheni, Wahyuningsih
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 5, No 2 (2019): August 2019 The Efforts of Early-Childhood Education Managers in Achieving Accreditation to Improve the Quality of Education Organization Abstract   PDF
Safuri Musa, Rita Uthartianty
Forum Ilmu Sosial Vol 47, No 2 (2020): December 2020 The Efforts of Tukuneno Catholic Youth in Overcoming Poverty Abstract   PDF
Petrus Ans Gregorius Taek, Frederik M. Taek, Novita Taneak
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Vol 8, No 1 (2019): March 2019 The Efforts to Foster Students’ Skill in Making Questions through Thinking Tool (Question Matrix) Development Abstract   PDF
P. Pramudiyanti, H. Susilo, U. S. Hastuti, U. Lestari
Komunitas Vol 7, No 1 (2015): March 2015 The Electability of Women Candidates in The Election of Central Java DPRD in 2014 Abstract   PDF
Fitriyah Fitriyah, Supratiwi Supratiwi
Elementary School Teacher Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Elementary School Teacher The Empowerment of Grade VI Elementary School Students in Having Compulsory Prayer by Implementing The Strategy of Modeling The Way (Action Research in SD Negeri Sidorejo Kidul 02, Tingkir District, Salatiga Regency, Central Java Province) Abstract   PDF
Ali Sunarso
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 6, No 1 (2020): February 2020 The Empowerment of Labour Women Picking Coffee Through the Education of Functional Literacy Based on Local Potentials Abstract   PDF
Deditiani Tri Indrianti, Sri Hartatik, Linda Fajarwati
Indonesian Journal of Conservation Vol 11, No 2 (2022): December The endemic mammals of the Democratic Republic of the Congo - Bonobo, Gorilla and Okapi – in ex situ situation in the Zoos of Europe: Inventory, Access and Benefit Sharing. Abstract   PDF
Henri Kunzi Mbale, Michael Mukendi, Gedeon Ngiala Bongo
JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Vol 15, No 1 (2022): March 2022 The Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis: an Empirical Evidence in Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Avi Budi Setiawan, Mochamad Syaiful Anwar
JDM (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen) Vol 10, No 2 (2019): September 2019 The Equilateral Agility Concept as Mediating Variable in Relationship between IT-Strategy Alignment and Sustainable Competitive Advantage Abstract   PDF
Lutfi Nurcholis, Budhi Cahyono
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