Mathematical problem solving ability of 8th grade students in terms of adversity quotient using discovery learning


Sayidah Nur Istiqomah
Hardi Suyitno
Muh. Fajar Safa'atullah


The purpose of this research was to (1) find out the completeness of mathematical problem-solving abilities of 8th-grade students in Discovery Learning; (2) description of mathematical problem-solving abilities aspects of 8th-grade students who have a climbers types; (3) description of mathematical problem-solving abilities aspects of grade 8th students who have a campers types; (4) description of mathematical problem-solving abilities aspects of 8th-grade students who have a quitters types. This research is mixed methods using a sequential explanatory model. The design is a one-shot case study. The sample class is 8D. Research subjects consisted of 2 students of climbers types and 4 students of climbers types. The results showed that (1) mathematical problem-solving abilities of 8th-grade students in Discovery Learning achieved classical and individual completeness; (2) climbers students can solve all of the problem-solving indicators; (3) ) campers students can solve three of problem-solving indicators; (4) quitters students were not found in this research so couldn’t be described.


How to Cite
Istiqomah, S., Suyitno, H., & Safa’atullah, M. F. (2021). Mathematical problem solving ability of 8th grade students in terms of adversity quotient using discovery learning. Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education, 10(2), 144-154.


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