An analysis of mathematical connection ability viewed from students’ questioning-skills through the educational tools in connected mathematics project learning model


Isti Hidayah
Dwi Kurniaasih Meiliana
Rochmad Rochmad


This study aimed to determine the 7th grade students’ mathematical connections ability through CMP learning models to achieve learning mastery; to know whether the 7th grade students’ mathematical connections ability through CMP learning model was better than CMP learning model without educational tools; to know the student's questioning-skill factors; and to know the description of the ability of mathematical connections viewed from the 7th grade students' questioning-skills through the CMP learning model. The research method used was mixed method of the concurrent embedded model. The population in this research were all 7th-grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Semarang. The sample of research was taken from 7D and 7F classes. Subjects of this study were as many as 6 subjects with each of 2 subjects chosen from each category of questioning-skills. The results of the research showed that students' mathematical connection ability through the educational tools in CMP model learning achieved learning mastery; students' mathematical connection ability through CMP learning model was better than CMP learning model without the educational tools; the factors that influenced the students' questioning-skill were willingness within students, the use of educational tools, project-based learning/problem, and the response given by the teacher when students asked; and students' mathematical connection ability through CMP learning model viewed from questioning-skills indicated that students with high questioning-skill had best mathematical connection ability, followed by students with medium questioning-skill, and low questioning-skill.


How to Cite
Hidayah, I., Meiliana, D., & Rochmad, R. (2019). An analysis of mathematical connection ability viewed from students’ questioning-skills through the educational tools in connected mathematics project learning model. Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education, 8(1), 65-74.


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